Once a month, we'll be dedicating a blog post to one of our many beautiful pigments and taking a closer look at them. We'll talk about ways to wear them, and what our staff likes to pair them with. Today we'll be highlighting Altar of Roses, have you tried it?
A rich and shimmery crimson red from our Mineral Shadows line. This pigment stays true across a variety of skin tones! Altar of Roses can be found in the Bloody Mary Collection.
Create this fiery look! Start with a base of Napalm across the middle and outer corner of the lid. Apply Altar of Roses across the crease, deep crease, and lower lash line. Use Fame on the inner corner of the lid and gently blend.
For a charming cranberry look for fall try this easy look using Altar of Roses, Eye Candy, and Party Monster! Apply a base of Altar of Roses over the entire lid. Blend a touch of Eye Candy into the middle of the lid and lower lash line. Accent with Party Monster above the crease!
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The Black Magic Collection
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The Wasteland Collection
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